Local Government Channel

Sylvia Chapman

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Social Worker Visual Impairment, London Borough of Enfield

Sylvia has worked for Enfield Council for 32 years, joining us as a receptionist. She now works as a Care Coordinator for the Visually Impaired, which involves assessing people, who are usually over 60, who are adjusting to losing their sight. She arranges for them to receive equipment, such as talking clocks and other adjustments, which help them to cope with what is often a very bleak life without sight. In addition she also runs 3 very well attended clubs which arrange for visits to the theatre, seaside and even riverboat cruises! She also arranges for acts to attend like singers, and also for people to give talks to people with visual impairment, as isolation is often present in older people who have lost their sight. 35 people attend each of these clubs, and for many of these people this is a lifeline to them. For the past 11 years she has also run an annual dinner / dance which helps raise funds. Sylvia says she is 'overwhelmed' that she has been nominated and 'very proud' that people see her in this light that she deserves this award.

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