Local Government Channel

The Swedish Experience: Driving Change

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Rob Whiteman on Efficiency and what can be learned from Sweden

MD of LG Improvement and Development, Rob Whiteman talks to Stefan Ackerby from the Swedish Local Government Association, SALAR and Mike Burton, Editor of the MJ about how Sweden faced a similar financial crisis to the current UK situation in the 1990s and how a massive programme of consolidation was launched to reduce the deficit. They discuss how in the short term 5% cuts were implemented across the board to try to meet strict government targets and how over a longer period other savings were made.

Join the debate around the Swedish Experience at the Efficiency Exchange. Click here...
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Watch the full discussion here.

Watch Sweden's former Prime Minister, Goran Persson on the cuts here.

For more information:


Municipal Journal

The Efficiency Exchange is a new web-based social network for local government, run by Local Government Improvement and Development (formerly the IDeA) to promote efficiency through knowledge sharing and collaborative working. Find out more here.



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